www.travelagentfinder.com.au - Travel Agent Finder

Privacy Policy


This is the Privacy Policy of Travel Agent Finder® and Travel Trade Connect ABN 81 260 655 613 (Us/We). 


This Privacy Policy is designed to inform you of how we manage, capture, and use, your personal information through our website. Any updated versions of this Privacy Policy will be posted on our website and will be effective from the date of posting.


We respect your right to privacy under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act) and seek to comply with all requirements of the Act with respect of the collection, management, and disclosure of personal information.



1. Personal Information


“Personal Information” is defined in the Act as information about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be identified. Personal Information includes names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and birth dates.


When you visit our website or seek to use our services, we may need to collect personal information about you such as your name, contact details, and postal or email address. We take reasonable steps to ensure your Personal Information is protected from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.



2. Collection of Personal Information


When you visit our website, we may send a Cookie to your computer to tailor the information we show to you or analyse website traffic to identify visitor preferences. We may collect personal and other data from you through Cookies or server logs. A Cookie is a small amount of data generated by a website to identify you as a unique visitor. The information collected by us through Cookies or similar might include:


  • your server address; 
  • your domain name; 
  • your IP address; 
  • the date and time of your visit; and
  • the type of browser you used. 


You can choose to disallow Cookies through your web browser settings.


We may also collect your Personal Information in the following forms and through the following sources:


  • volunteered details entered by you in the sign-up process or registration for any of our publications;
  • details provided by you through correspondence with our employees or representatives;
  • from third parties, including third-party data aggregators;
  • affiliate websites; and/or
  • your authorised representative.   


3. Purposes and use of Personal Information


Your Personal Information will be stored in a database and used by us for the primary purpose for which you provided it. In addition to the primary purpose, it may be used for some or all of the following purposes:


  • enabling us to provide you with secure access and use of our services;
  • administering our relationship with you: processing applications, responding to enquiries, obtaining payment for our services, and keeping your contact details up to date;
  • business development: sending updates, publications, details of events as well as tracking and recording your opening of our email communications and links in our email communications;
  • to share with third parties; 
  • for marketing, analytic, and/or website management purposes;
  • to process and respond to any complaint made by you;
  • to comply with any law, rule, regulation, lawful and binding determination, decision or direction of a regulator, or other governmental authority.


Personal Information we collect may be aggregated with similar information and published or used by us for benchmarking and research purposes. Aggregated information does not identify individual users and ceases to include Personal Information. 


By accessing our website or using our services, you consent to our collection, retaining, use and disclosure of personal information for some or all of the above purposes. If you do not consent to these purposes, you must not access our website or use our services.



4. Disclosure of Personal Information


Within Australia

We may disclose your Personal Information to the following parties within Australia:


  • our employees, related entities, contractors;
  • any third parties that we engage on your behalf or that you engage directly in connection with the services we are providing to you, including solicitors, auditors, accountants, third-party experts, and other consultants or advisors;
  • our insurers and professional advisors, including our accountants, business advisors, and consultants;
  • any regulatory body in any of the States and Territories that we operate in; and/or
  • any other organisation or individual for any authorised purpose with your express consent.


Outside Australia

In providing services to you, we may need to disclose your Personal Information to another entity in another country. This does not diminish your rights and we will take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure transferred information is kept secure as required by applicable data privacy laws. 


By submitting your Personal Information to us, you agree that you do not object to any such transfer, processing, or storage. If we merge, combine, or divest a part of our business, we may also pass on your details to our new colleagues and the manager of any entity through which they operate unless prohibited from doing so by law or applicable professional rules. 


We may disclose your Personal Information outside of Australia as follows:


  • to our data hosting and other service providers located internationally; and
  • to any third party online purchasing terminals.  



5. Other Global Policies


Our Privacy Policy is designed to be read in line with other global standards, policies, and protections.


Under EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the use of personal data must be justified under one of several legal grounds. The principal legal grounds that justify the use of your personal data are:


  • Contract performance: where necessary to enter into or perform our contract with you; 
  • Legal Obligation: where necessary to comply with our legal obligations; 
  • Legitimate Interests: to achieve a legitimate interest and our reasons for using it outweigh any prejudice to your data protection rights;
  • Legal claims: where necessary to defend, prosecute, or make a claim against you, us, or a third party; 
  • Consent: where you have consented through a consent form or facility in relation to any such use. You may withdraw your consent through an unsubscribe or similar function. 


Our reasons for the use of your data all fall under the above terms.



6. Business Development and Marketing


We may use Personal Information to send you details of new services, updates, and invitations to seminars and events where you have consented to be contacted in this way. These communications may be sent in various forms, including by post and by email, in accordance with applicable marketing laws, such as the Spam Act 2003 (Cth). If you indicate a preference for a method of communication, we will endeavour to use that method whenever practical to do so.


If you prefer not to receive promotional material from us, please notify us by using our contact email at “Contact Information” below.



7. Our Website


We cannot guarantee the security of transmission of information you communicate to us online. We also cannot guarantee that the information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted over the internet. Accordingly, any Personal Information or other information which you transmit to us online is transmitted at your own risk.


This does not diminish your rights and we will take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure transferred information is kept secure as required by applicable data privacy laws. 


Our website may contain links to other websites operated by third parties. We make no representations or warranties in relation to the privacy practices of any third-party website and we are not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of any third-party website. Third-party website providers are responsible for informing you about their own privacy practices.



8. Your Rights


You may request access to any of your Personal Information held by us at any time. Where we hold information that you are entitled to access, we will provide you with suitable means of accessing it, usually by electronic means. We may charge you a reasonable fee to cover our administrative and other reasonable costs in providing the information to you. We will not charge you for simply making the request and will not charge for making any corrections to your Personal Information.


There may be instances where we cannot grant you access to the Personal Information we hold. For example, we may need to refuse access if granting access would interfere with the privacy of others or if it would result in a breach of confidentiality or legal professional privilege. If this occurs, we will provide you with written reasons and the legal basis for our refusal.


If you believe that any Personal Information we hold about you is incorrect, incomplete, or inaccurate, you may wish to request that we correct it. We will consider whether the information requires correction. If we do not agree that there are grounds for correction, then you may request that we add a note to the Personal Information stating that you disagree with it.



9. Failure to Collect Personal Information 

If we are unable to collect your Personal Information, you will likely be required to identify yourself in your dealings with us, including your use of our services. If you do not provide us with the Personal Information described above:


  • we may not be able to accept you as a client or provide our services to you or your associated entity/ies;
  • we may not be able to provide you with our publications, brochures, and updates; and/or
  • we may be unable to tailor the content of our website to your preferences, and your experience of our website may not be as relevant, enjoyable, or useful as it could be.



10. Breach of Privacy Complaint Process 


If you believe that your privacy has been breached, please contact us using the contact information below and provide details of the incident for our investigation. We will treat your complaint confidentially throughout the investigative process. We aim to resolve all complaints within a reasonable time.



11. Contact Information


If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about this Privacy Policy, including the treatment of your Personal Information, please contact us by email to hello@travelagentfinder.com.au.


12. Complaints to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner?


If you are unhappy with our response to your privacy complaint or inquiry, you can make a formal complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner who oversees privacy and data compliance legislation. 


The relevant information, including the address of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, can be accessed via their website at www.oaic.gov.au.



This Privacy Policy was last reviewed and updated on 25 August 2023.